KQ4 was always in "promotion mode" and most of this was
conceptualized and designed by Jack Malone, General Manager, with
the help of some great graphic designers. Here is a look at some of
the print and non-print promotion tools KQ4 used.
Click to view at larger resolution.
The premiere handout and print ad. |
We raised a few eyebrows with this
handout and print ad. |
A familiar sight over
Portland during the KQ4 days. The airplane banner
was everywhere. Note the use of "FM 107" - this was
tuners, so close was good enough. |
Two of the hottest promotional items were KQ4 T-shirts
and windbreakers. Joel "J. R." Miller still has his
windbreaker and proudly models it for us. |
Larry Scott: "I
always thought this was the ultimate handout
card and print ad. It had that 70s revolutionary feel and it
was a direct shot at KINK who was automated at night
and on the weekends." |
Handout card and print ad. |
Handout card and print ad. |
Handout card and print ad. |
Handout card and print ad. |
Generic "letter to" with
KQ4 facts. |
This letter thanked those
who had entered the great KQ4 contest -
"$1.07 a week for life"! This was really a slam on KISN and
other TOP 40 stations and their contest hype. |
This was a "fact letter" in
the early days of KQ4 - printed
on the terrible original letterhead. I'd like to find the
person who came up with this color combo. |