Following are the front and back of the KQ4 Charter Rate Card.
It is dated 2½ months before the station went on the air. I
especially like the reference to "full matrix Quadraphonic" sound.
Where that "sound" came from is anybody's guess. There never was a "Quad
encoder"...but it sure looked good in print. There are also
"pocket rate cards" that the sales department would carry...small and easy
to handle.
And, there is a market
profile from ABC-FM Spot Sales for February 1973.
Click for a larger view.
Be sure to look at the
RATINGS page for ARB and PULSE information from

Front of
the rate card.

Look at those rates! We were as close
to "a dollar a holler" as you could get!

Pocket rate card - front view.

Pocket rate card #1 - back view with rate information.

Pocket rate card #2 - back view with rate information.

ABC-FM Spot Sales Market Profile, Page 1 -
February 1973.

ABC-FM Spot Sales Market Profile, Page 2 -
February 1973.