Bob "The Big B.A." Ancheta
Jock / Production
(posted 04
DEC 04)

1-Beginnings 2-Strange
3-Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll
KQIV was the
second radio station I had the pleasure of being a part of. The
first was KVAN 1480, also a progressive rock station that played
religious programming in the morning and then rock, blues and jazz
until sunset. I left KVAN in 1973 and went to work part-time at KQIV,
eventually ending up doing the all night show weekdays.
KQIV was the next logical step for me because I wanted to
be on a FM station that played rock. When I first arrived, the Elks
were there but soon closed down and left us all by ourselves. This
opened the door for all kinds of illegal fun and frolic, especially
late at night. I remember Jim Lafawn arriving to relieve me at 6am
and I’d have 2 or 3 people with me and he acted like it was just
part of what radio was back then. I recall Jim telling me once to
play some of those albums that were recorded in Quad, because the
sales people were having a remote somewhere and wanted to show off
what stereo times two sounded like.
I didn't run into Walter Kraus much, but I do remember his
signature on our checks, one straight line.
The lineup in those days was Jim Lafawn mornings, Mike
Sakellarides mid-days, Gloria afternoons, Larry Scott at night and
me doing the all nighter. I also was the stage manager at The
Paramount Theatre during this time and quite often worked a concert
and then drove down Highway 43 to get to work by midnight.
I remember the intercom at the front
door of the Elks Lodge where some very strange people arrived late
at night to hang out and share whatever they had in their pockets. I
also had the pleasure of having an escaped convict arrive and me
calling the police. He was arrested and sent back to prison.
It was sex, drugs and rock and roll to
the full extent at KQIV. It was me saving Gloria’s life one day,
when we were at a pool party at Mike’s, after Gloria jumped in and
sank to the bottom of the pool. It was waiting for Larry Scott to
say, “If you can’t do your best, do the best you can” at the end of
his show. It was putting on a long cut to go to the bathroom down
the spiral stairs and coming back to a record skipping for 15
minutes. Funny thing, nobody noticed. Listeners came to expect that
from us. Quicksilver Messenger Service’s “Who Do You Love (Part
One)” worked great for this. It was coming into the studio and
seeing Jeff Clarke with his scales out weighing something. It was
Roy Jay showing up one day to announce the station was going to a
soul format and him taking out his gun and shooting it into the
floor. It was times like that I would never trade for anything.
If only DJ’s in today’s world could have experienced what
we did.
After KQIV’s rock format ended, I went back to KVAN and
later spent 18 years at KGON. When consolidation happened, it
eventually took me out of the business.
I decided to start a voice-over business
called in 1998. I now have over 70 people working
for me around the world. I managed to stay in radio part-time and
get to do the “Sunday Night Blues” show on KINK FM 102. It may be
hard to believe, but I get to do this show my way with no computer
telling me what to play. It’s done the old-fashioned way. Play
things that feel good and go together. Imagine that!
Where's Bob now?