General Manager
(posted 30 SEP

1-Memories of staff members
2-A few thoughts
3-Recycling coffee (ugh!)
I count
myself in nothing else
so happy
As in a soul remem’bring my good
Old friends
are the great blessings
of one’s later years. Half a word
conveys one’s meanings. They have a
memory of the same events, and have
the same mode of thinking.
alphabetical order)
GLEN ADAMS, Disc Jockey: Glen was the morning person (6 a.m.
to 10 a.m.) at KQIV when it officially went on the air on September
15, 1972. Although cordial, my relationship with Glen was shallow --
usually a quick "hello" and "good-bye" -- as he was leaving work
about the same time I was coming to work. I felt disappointed,
however, when Glen soon left KQIV, participating in an exit epidemic
that by December, 1972 had infected most of the program department.
BOB ANCHETA, Disc Jockey: In addition to his own shift, Bob also
was an important reserve jock. He would often fill in when the
regular disc jockeys were unable to work. And he would always do a
good job.
ACE ANDERSON, Sales Representative: Ace
certainly deserved his nickname because of his outstanding sales
record at KQIV. Ace became KQIV’s longest surviving sales
representative, mostly because he was able to weather almost every
station political and engineering storm "come Walter Kraus or high
water." Eventually, however, transmission problems beyond KQIV’s
control sadly caused his departure -- as it did the unfortunate
departures of many other sales people -- and Ace left KQIV to share
his great name and excellent sales ability with a company that was
more in control of its destiny.
GARY ANDERSON, Sales Manager: Gary rode into KQIV like the
cavalry and led the sales department to safety at a time when it was
surrounded by hostile management problems. Although he didn’t work
for KQIV very long, Gary successfully accomplished what he set out
to do, and then rode off into the sunset like the Lone Ranger.
Later, I saw him working with Joe Kraus (Walter Kraus’s son) at
Jake’s Famous Crawfish, a popular restaurant in downtown Portland.
Both Gary and Joe were truly talented waiters. In fact, I would
often take prospective KQIV advertising clients to Jake’s just to
impress them with Gary and Joe’s amazing order-taking and
food-serving abilities. Even though he was not a KQIV employee when
he was working at Jake’s, Gary helped me make a number of good sales
with his great comments about KQIV to my prospects during and after
their excellent dining experience.
JEFF CLARKE, Disc Jockey: Jeff was the afternoon person (2 p.m.
to 6 p.m.) at KQIV when it officially went on the air. When I first
met Jeff, I immediately judged him to be a hippie from his head
(with long hair and tinted glasses) to his feet (with flared pants
and pointed shoes). And then when he extended his hand in greeting
and said, "What’s happenin’ man?" I knew he was totally depraved.
Boy, was I wrong! Jeff may have looked and sounded like a hippie,
but that’s where it all ended; in all other ways, he was a
professional in every sense of the word. Whatever he did was usually
of the highest quality. And I could always count on Jeff: he would
work when others couldn’t (or wouldn’t) and he never complained. As
an employee, I considered Jeff one of the four pillars of KQ4. And
as a friend, he tried harder than anyone else to keep in touch after
I quit KQIV. He even traveled to Longview, WA where I owned an ice
cream shop to visit me.
JOE COLLINS, Program Director/Disc Jockey: Joe was called "Deep Throat" by many
of his fans and he was proud to wear that label; he liked his name.
Like Jeff Clarke and Larry Scott, Joe was one of KQIV’s most popular
disc jockeys, and he accepted his well-earned fame with great
humility. Whenever I think of KQIV, I often think of Joe and his
famous gravelly voice.
FRED DELAHAY, General Manager: Fred was the general manager of
KQIV when it officially went on the air. I was put on KQIV’s payroll
as Walter Kraus’s administrative assistant about a month before that
time and became general manager when Fred and most of his staff
walked out in a huff during the first week of December, 1972.
Although I didn’t know Fred very well, what little I knew of him I
liked. Walter said Fred and his loyalists were "fired," but that’s
not the story I heard from them.
NORMAN FLINT, Disc Jockey: Mostly, I remember Norman when he
stormed into my office ("Stormin’ Norman" pun intended) and hit me
on my right cheek. Being a Christian, I "turned to him my other
also" (Matthew 5:39), and he hit me on my left cheek (it was then
that I started to seriously question my religion). Although I had to
go to the hospital for a couple of stitches, I soon regained my
Christian senses, forgave Norman, and tried a lot harder to get
along with him. In the meantime, he continued to be one of KQIV’s
best disc jockeys.
LINDA GINGOLD, Office Manager: Linda was first hired as an
assistant to office manager Patti Smith. After Patti left, Linda
ended up being the third of three excellent KQIV office managers.
Here is a paragraph from a letter I wrote to Linda on
April 5, 1974, shortly after I had quit KQIV: "May I take this
opportunity to congratulate you on the excellent job I have heard
you are doing. It appears that if I can claim any clear-cut fame for
my efforts at KQIV, it was in hiring you."
TOM GOHN, Sales Representative: Tom was in Gerhard Meng’s sales
force (as was Ace Anderson). He made some nice sales and was well
liked by his clients. Becoming good friends with Ace, he and Ace
often worked together.
HEATHER, Sales Traffic: I met Heather at a non-KQIV party when I
was with another lady and Heather was by herself. We immediately hit
it off and I soon found an excuse to take my date home and return to
the party to pick up Heather. Within days, I hired her as our
"traffic girl." Although Heather did excellent work, her political
liberalism often clashed with my political conservatism in station
politics; alas, I frequently found her on labor’s side instead of on
management’s side when I fully expected her to support me on the
latter. Nevertheless, when both of us were on our best behavior, we
got along famously. Unfortunately, Heather left KQIV because of
several, sad personal problems. Often, I have thought tenderly of
her and wished I had helped her more.
ED HEPP, Disc Jockey: Ed was the
person (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) at KQIV when it officially went on the
air. Ed was brilliant -- perhaps too brilliant; he was also very
quiet and usually sought the shadows. On rare occasions, however, Ed
would suddenly change his normal behavior 180 degrees and really
startle all of us. Nevertheless, we all respected his tremendous
creative abilities, regardless of his present state of mind.
DICK JENKINS, Musical Director/Program Director/Disc Jockey:
Dick was the late-night person (10 p.m. to 2 a.m.) when KQIV
officially went on the air. I had the distinct pleasure of working a
lot with Dick and was extremely impressed with his comprehensive
knowledge of radio in general and of quadraphonic sound in
particular. Unfortunately, Dick was part of the "Fred Delahay
Purge." His leaving was a major loss for KQIV.
GLORIA JOHNSON, Disc Jockey: Gloria slipped in and out of the
station without my seeing very much of her. But I often heard about
her and it was always very good. I regretted not getting better
acquainted with Gloria.
KIM, Sales Manager. Kim was sales manager at a time when both
Walter Kraus and the station’s antenna were causing considerable
problems. Although Kim was good at his job, he was bad at adjusting
to Walter’s ever-changing temperament -- particularly as it affected
his sales territory. Suddenly, one day Kim was gone. I was
disappointed but not at all surprised.
WALTER J. M. KRAUS , Owner: However eccentric (to say the
least), Walter was still my boss and I respected him for that. Like
it or not (and much of the time I didn’t), I always tried to please
him. He hired me at a time when he didn’t need additional personnel
and was rapidly sinking into debt (I can often remember him saying
"he was so deep in debt they were having to pump air to him;" either
that or financially, "he was taking a bath"). Like fire, Walter was
a faithful friend when he was under control (sober) or a fearful
master when he was out of control (intoxicated). Trying to keep him
sober became an unusual part of my job. Generally speaking, Walter
treated me well until he sold the station and accepted down payments
from two different parties at the same time (with each party not
being aware of the other) and thereafter, feeling no longer
concerned for the integrity of the station’s popular progressive
format, filled Saturday mornings’ air time with high school
basketball. I strongly protested both of those actions and
eventually threatened to quit if high school basketball ever went on
the air. The following Saturday morning a high school basketball
game aired on KQIV, and I was history. I last read and saw of Walter
in a Seattle newspaper where he was identified as a "dentist" and
pictured standing by his Rolls-Royce with a vanity license plate on
which was embossed "HUMILITY." What a guy! (For another interesting
look at Walter, see "Recycling Isn't Always a Good Idea!" at the
bottom of the page.)
JIM LaFAWN, Program Director/Disc Jockey: Written on the front
inside cover of one of my favorite books is the following: "Jack,
for your kindness and brotherly generosity I can only speak a common
word, that’s thanks....for your spiritual help, I will speak and
forever feel love." Signed, Jim LaFawn. In a note dated April, 1973,
Jim wrote: "Jack, you treated me like a brother....I’ll not forget
that." Jim lived with me when he first joined the KQIV staff and we
soon became close friends. He was an excellent program director and
was liked by everybody. I introduced Jim to the pretty lady who was
later to become his wife and said good-bye to him in tears when I
quit KQIV after that fateful, Saturday morning basketball game.
Before long, I shed tears again when I heard that Jim had died. I
still miss Jim; I guess I shall never forget him.
FAITH LANDRETH, Disc Jockey: I liked Faith from the moment I
interviewed her and I fought hard (mostly with Walter Kraus) to get
her a job as a disc jockey. Faith soon exceeded everybody’s wildest
expectations and became a very popular member of the KQIV family.
She and her husband also treated me as "family." I was often invited
to their home for dinner where I enjoyed seeing their lovely
daughter, Eve, whom I suspect grew up to be as attractive and
talented as her also Bible-named mother.
BEN MARSH, News Director/Program Director/Disc Jockey: Although
I liked Ben, for some reason, he didn’t like me. One evening when
Ben and I were at Faith Landreth’s home for dinner, Ben asked me not
to refer to him as "my friend" anymore. That was hard for me to do:
I slipped up several times and was quickly rebuked by Ben; but
eventually, I learned how to get along with him -- as I did with
Norman Flint -- and we at least tolerated each other when we had to
work together.
BOB McCLANATHAN, Consulting Engineer: When we experienced a
technical problem that Joel Miller couldn’t fix, Joel called Bob. An
engineer of engineers, Bob almost always got us back on the air. I
slept much better during rating times when I knew Bob was as close
as Joel’s telephone.
GERHARD MENG, Sales Manager: Gerhard’s many talents often
extended far beyond his position as sales manager. In fact, if I
could have suggested a person from within KQIV to be general manager
when I quit, I would have suggested Gerhard. We did many promotional
events together and became very good friends. In fact, after both of
us had left KQIV, we seriously considered going into the travel
business together. Had I been single, as Gerhard was at the time (I
had just gotten married), I would have gladly joined him and led
bicycle tours for good money all over
JOEL MILLER, Chief Engineer/Disc Jockey: Joel was my closest
friend at KQIV. I frequently saw him after working hours because we
lived in the same apartment complex and enjoyed many of the same
social activities; I saw him less frequently during working hours
because he was usually at our transmitter site trying to get us back
on the air. I considered Joel one of the four pillars of KQ4. After
he left KQIV and joined the staff of KATU Television, I eagerly
looked forward to watching KATU’s Christmas promos just to see if I
could spot my old radio buddy among all the KATU television stars.
Eventually, Joel’s annual television appearances became my last
human link -- however weak -- to my fond memories of KQIV.
STEVE O’SHEA, Disc Jockey: Steve came in like a whirlwind and
went out about the same. In the short time between his coming and
going, he did a good job and was liked by almost everybody.
JIM ROBINSON, Disc Jockey: Jim was a nice guy who did a nice
job. I often heard Jim LaFawn speak highly of him.
SUSAN ROSS, Office Manager: Susan was the first of three
excellent KQIV office managers. She held that position when KQIV
officially went on the air. Susan was helpful to everybody; she was
our "Girl Friday." Often, Susan and I competed to see who could get
Walter Kraus to do something we knew he didn’t want to do; alas,
Susan usually won. I give her great credit for KQIV’s initial
success. She was certainly much more than a very pretty face.
MIKE SAKELLARIDES, Production Manager/Disc Jockey: In August,
1994, I was surprised and thrilled by a chance encounter with Mike,
his beautiful wife, Barbara, and their handsome son, Adam, at a
Mount St. Helen’s visitor center of which I was part owner. Although
Irish, I played the part of a "Greek bearing gifts" without the
"beware," and loaded Mike up with Mount St. Helens cards, ash, and a
Harry Truman album which I had produced with the help of the
managers of two old, but famous, rock groups. In subsequent
correspondence, both Mike and I agreed that our favorite lyric in
the twelve songs on the album was Cyril Kittelson’s "If the way you
live ain’t worth dying for, then your living ain’t so good." That
kind of thinking is a perfect example of why I considered Mike one
of the four pillars of KQ4. He put his whole being into every
commercial he ever produced for KQIV. And although nothing was ever
perfect to him, almost everything was perfect to his many satisfied
clients. The nature of his job made Mike the bridge between KQIV’s
sound and sales....its expenses and income....and in the end, its
success or failure. And being so connected with sales, Mike often
agonized with all the KQIV sales representatives who, because of
transmission problems beyond their control, couldn’t sell
advertising to clients (even as close as several miles from the
station) who couldn’t hear KQIV -- let alone his outstanding
commercials -- on their own store’s radio.
LARRY SCOTT, Musical Director/Disc Jockey: One of the nicest
things ever said about me as general manager of KQIV was said by
Larry Scott in his column in "Walrus: The Progressive Music
Newsletter" dated September 26, 1973. Stating that there were two
people in particular who stood out as KQIV mainstays in its first
year of operation, Larry said: "Our GM, Jack Malone. A Prince. The
man who held it all together." Well, Larry, if I was "A Prince," you
were "The King," for I couldn’t have done it without your noble
effort and royal support. Your help, my friend, (don’t let Ben Marsh
hear me say "my friend") -- freely given "ABSOLUTELY LIVE, 24 HOURS
A DAY" -- was the reason why I considered you one of the four
pillars of KQ4. Maybe I "held it all together" then, but look who’s
holding it all together now. Thank you, dear Larry (and Joel Miller
if you are listening in), for making this terrific KQIV website
homecoming possible. Both of you have made a lot of old and tired
radio folk -- if only for a few, almost sacred minutes -- feel young
and full of life again.
STEVE SHANNON, Program Director/Disc Jockey: Steve was the
evening person (6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) at KQIV when it officially went
on the air. I liked Steve and thought he did a nice job. I was sorry
to see him leave.
PATTI SMITH, Office Manager: Patti was the second of three
excellent KQIV office managers. I thought of her as "Mother
Superior" because she was always so concerned about everybody’s
health and welfare. She was particularly concerned over the sales
department: she correctly knew the secret to KQIV’s success was
sales and the increasing scarcity thereof would eventually threaten
the station’s continued existence. Not one to mince words, Patti was
quick in telling me my thinking didn’t measure up to her standards
of fair play and common sense; in many ways, she was my KQIV
conscience. Patti seemed more unhappy than anyone else over my
sudden departure from KQIV, and her effort to keep in touch after I
left was second only to Jeff Clarke’s.
MICHAEL STROUFE, Disc Jockey: Michael worked from 2 a.m. to 6
a.m. when KQIV officially went on the air. I saw very little of
Michael. Quite possibly, that was because he worked when I slept and
I slept when he worked.
BOB TURNER, Sales Manager: Bob was one of several sales managers
who gave it his best shot but eventually got discouraged over KQIV’s
transmission problems and its effect on his and his sales force’s
commissions. While hanging on as long as possible, he was of great
help to me in promotional events. I enjoyed Bob; we had a lot of
good times together.
JOHN WALLACE, Sales Manager: John was sales manager at KQIV when
it officially went on the air. Other than Walter Kraus, John was my
first friend at KQIV and he treated me like we had been friends all
our lives. John introduced me to the radio business in general and
to KQIV in particular; he became my mentor. And, in that capacity,
he sacrificed many hours of his sales time to "teach me the ropes."
Fortunately, John’s concern for me didn’t stop at KQIV. He spent
valuable hours of his off-time helping me find a suitable place to
live and suitable ladies to date. Let’s face it, lining up a friend
with a blind date can be a good way to lose that friend; however, to
John’s eternal credit, he came out smelling like a rose....time and
time again.
general manager, I spent a lot of time either trying to inflate
deflated egos of our long-haired, "no neck" disc jockeys who Walter
Kraus nearly daily insulted by calling them "mental midgets," or
trying to deflate inflated prejudices of the short-haired, "red
neck" "Elks" (remember, KQIV was located in the Lake Oswego Elks
Lodge) who considered anyone with long hair a "dirty hippie" to say
the best or a "communist" to say the worst.
In between arbitration sessions, with the great ideas of many of the
KQIV staff and with the help of an excellent designer, Darryl Ware;
an outstanding photographer, Jim Felt; a quality printer, Frank
Jackson; my old electric typewriter; and a cheap clip-art book, I
produced many of the advertising and promotional pieces illustrated
on this website. No, "CHILDERN" as in "ALL QUAD’S CHILDERN LISTEN"
was not misspelled on purpose; rather, it was a printing error I
failed to catch in my proofreading of the advertising campaign of
the same name, and it gives graphic meaning to the old adage that
"haste makes waste." I just about died when I first saw the error on
a billboard in downtown Portland. Believe it or not, I’m still
embarrassed about it.
Being as old as I am (I was born in 1940), I have received thousands
of birthday cards. Interestingly, one card stands out from all the
others. It was given to me by Patti Smith shortly before I quit KQIV
and I have used its touching poetic message countless times in my
custom-made birthday cards to my own family and friends. Since I
consider all of the KQIV staff as my "other" family and friends, I
want to sign off by sharing Patti’s poem with you -- not as a
"birthday wish" for which it was originally intended -- but, rather,
as a "friendship wish" to each and every one of you.
I do not wish you joy without a sorrow ~
Nor endless day without the healing dark ~
Nor brilliant sun without the restful shadow ~
Nor tides that never turn against your bark.
I wish you love,
and strength,
and faith,
and wisdom,
gold enough to help some needy one.
I wish you songs, but also blessed silence...
And God's sweet peace when every day is done.
Dorothy Nell McDonald
thought: (posted 07 OCT 04)
Jack Malone, General Manager
happened about six months after KQIV first went on the air.
Suddenly, the taste of our employee coffee started to change.
Initially, it changed from good to strange. Several days
later, it degraded from strange to bad. And in a few more
days, the taste had deteriorated from bad to...well...vile!
Finally, the coffee-drinking employees couldn’t stand it any
longer. And a sizeable delegation of them marched into my
office and registered their discontent.
being an avid coffee drinker myself, I sympathized with the
coffee protesters and assured them I was “one cup ahead” of
them in investigating the whole sordid matter. I told them I
had examined the coffee machine and found it was working
perfectly; had inspected the coffee packets and confirmed they
were the same good brand we had always enjoyed; had evaluated
the dishwashing routine and was satisfied the washed cups were
“squeaky clean;” and had scrutinized the dishwashing soap and
detected no visible contamination. Although the disgruntled
employees seemed impressed with my investigative efforts, they
insisted I must have missed something and demanded the mystery
be solved. And quickly.
Early the next morning, I arrived at the station to prepare
for a meeting with Walter Kraus. To my surprise, Walter was
already there, sitting in my office chair. I told him I was
not ready for the meeting and asked him if he could wait a
little while. He agreed to the delay and said that while
waiting he would “make the coffee as he had been doing early
every morning for over a week.” Walter headed for the kitchen
and I sat down at my desk.
of a sudden, it dawned on me. I rushed into the kitchen with a
long mental list of coffee questions for Walter, but he was
nowhere to be found. Then, I heard the door to the control
room open. I quickly hid behind the adjoining kitchen door and
saw Walter carrying a tray on which were empty and partly full
coffee cups from the control room. He then went into the
production room and, from my hiding place, I saw him put more
coffee cups on his tray. From there, he went straight to the
kitchen where he put into the sink all of the empty coffee
cups and those partly full coffee cups whose cold contents
were whitened with cream. Then, he grabbed an empty coffeepot
into which he poured all of the partly full coffee cups
containing cold black coffee (with or without sugar -- who
knows?), spooned some fresh ground coffee from a packet
directly into the coffeepot, topped it all off with hot tap
water, and then placed his pot of strange brew onto one of the
coffee machine’s burners, which he had apparently turned on
moments before.
Hurriedly, I slipped into my office and sat down just seconds
before Walter barged through my door. He told me, impatiently,
that he wanted to start the meeting just as soon as the coffee
was ready. I informed him that I unexpectedly wasn’t feeling
very well and asked if we could have our meeting sometime
later in the day. He seemed perturbed, but consented to the
postponement. We set a new meeting time and he left the
station to run an errand. I immediately ran to the restroom.
the remainder of the day, my feelings of nausea returned only
when I seriously contemplated the possible health implications
of what I had witnessed Walter doing in the kitchen. A lot of
employees to whom I related my disgusting discovery
experienced reoccurring nausea for very much the same reason
as I.
Since I didn’t want to hurt Walter’s feelings or provoke him
to wrath, I decided not to say anything to him about his
“coffee-recycling” system at our meeting later that day. But
that didn’t mean I hadn’t thought about his possible reasons
for doing it -- because I had. For one thing, I didn’t think
he was doing it to irritate the staff, simply because he was
very experienced in more effective ways of doing that if he
really wanted to. For another thing, I didn’t think he was
considering changing his popular nickname of “Daddy Warbucks”
to “Daddy Starbucks” and developing a new coffee-making
process, simply because he needed to spend all of his time and
nearly exhausted funds on KQIV. Rather, I was convinced he was
just trying to save a few “regular bucks” in his own
inimitable way -- quite possibly, without even thinking about
all of the potential health hazards in the recycling of cold
used coffee.
Regardless of Walter’s reasons, I immediately initiated the
following corrective action: I instructed every
coffee-drinking employee to take his own cup to the kitchen
sink, to dump its entire contents, if any, down the drain, and
to rinse out the cup before leaving the station. That, I
assured everybody, would subtly and instantly force Walter out
of the “coffee-recycling” business and simultaneously would
put our coffee machine back into its business of brewing the
good-tasting employee coffee which we all had become
accustomed to.
Praise be, the coffee-drinking employees fully cooperated;
Walter abruptly quit his “coffee-recycling” shenanigans
without a peep; and I was freed to direct my attention to
solving other confounding station mysteries, such as the
increasingly recurring, sweet smoky smell in the control room.
Where's Jack now?