Jock / sometime Music Director
(posted 29 JUL

My good friend Steve Shannon (Spellerberg) and I left "real jobs" at
KPAM AM/FM in Portland to help start KQIV as its first jocks. We
also recruited Ed Hepp to join us. Steve was the first Program
Director of KQ4 and I did the music. As time went by, others came to
the station who were better qualified to select the music, so I
faded out of the role but I did put the first music library
As I remember, my jock shift was nights from 10pm to 2am. Had a
blast! Loved the station's concert scene, too, since prior to KQ4 I
had promoted a few concerts at the old Avalon Ballroom. (Does anyone
remember Blue Cheer?) Had a meltdown with Walter Kraus after the
first ratings book came out and Steve and I walked out one day,
never to return. I went on to jobs at KISN, then to KTAC in
I got out of radio later
in the 70's. Even was a lobbyist for the pleasure boating industry
for a while. In 1986, I got back into radio as station manager at
KCLB-FM in Santa Rosa, California. Twenty years later, that single
radio station has become a network of 200 stations in 44 states,
known as the K-LOVE and Air 1 radio networks. I'm now the President
of the network which is headquartered in Rocklin, California.
Married to the same woman
for 32 years, raised 3 kids to adulthood, and now own a pack of
Rottweilers who sleep on our bed at night (O.K. it's a California
King sized bed). I ride my Harley Road King for fun -- when I'm not
being a workaholic.
KQIV was a wonderful time of free form radio with no boundaries. If
you'd like to drop me a line, you can reach me at:
Where's Dick now?